SOLD OUT!! Winter in the Canadian Rockies
SOLD OUT!! (NOTE: Normal, Domestic US Jack Graham Workshop Discounts DO NOT Apply on International Workshops) With Workshop Leader, John Pedersen. Consider joining us on our Winter in the Canadian Rocky’s Photography Workshop in January 2020. We’ll spend 4 + days photographing the winter landscape and frozen lakes in this amazing area, which is even more exciting during the winter. We’ll venture up to Abraham Lake and Lake Louise and along the many rivers and vistas along the Icefields Parkway, one of Canada’s most scenic byways. The snowy weather adds to the intrigue and opportunities for photographers during the winter. Complete details will be provided after registration. Locations are based on weather, light and past experiences in this area during the winter season. We will only be taking 6 attendees in two vehicles in order to deliver a first-class trip for our attendees. This workshop will sell out fast. Don’t delay! Thank you for your interest in this workshop. My able workshop partner, John Pedersen, will be taking my place as Workshop Leader. John has been assisting me for 3 years now. He is well-schooled in the locations you’ll be visiting as well as a master “teacher” in the kind of photography we all enjoy. He teaches the same way I do and offers additional viewpoints on photography that I think you’ll enjoy. I have total confidence and trust in John — not only professionally, but as a person. You’ll love having him leading your workshops. Bottom line, you are [...]