Greetings everybody.  It’s good to back from some time away be here and to be writing a blog again. First, As Jimmy Chitwood said in the great movie “Hoosiers” its time to play ball again. (the 1:13 time of this clip).  Click HERE  

I guess I could not have picked a better time to take my sabbatical as this Covid19 situation has really affected the photography workshop industry, just as it has affected so many others.

Additionally, I  took some time to evaluate the present and future as well as taking care of some personal to do’s ( I lost a lot of weight …about time!) as well as some other things, but it’s all good and the future looks pretty bright, as long as we can get past what we are dealing with now. Taking time to do some self analyses and reestablish priorities is something I recommend for everyone at some point in their lives.

You probably will not see me on social media.  I really am not happy with how social media has become such a place where all the problems, controversies and just plain hate is so much a part of the fabric. If that changes, maybe I will be back, but right now its not part of my lifestyle. I stay away from the news a lot as well. It is all depressing stuff.

However, there is lots of good things happening. In 2021, I am going to back off the 20-25 workshops a year. Click HERE for 2021 schedule. I will be doing 4 or 5 with Bill Fortney and about the same with John Pedersen, if the industry comes back, and folks begin to feel safe to travel.

And if not, that is ok too. There is plenty for me to do.

John Petersen and I are developing a new photographic travel and landscape concept. We will be announcing this in a few weeks. We will be having a website with lots of information to help you all with your travel and landscape image making. Stay tuned. we are really excited about that. Our Podcasts. WE TALK PHOTO, will also resume soon (we have an exciting guest set to record next week—just a little tease!). Click HERE for past podcasts.

COVER -Grand Tetons Winter - Blurb BooksJohn and I will be in the Tetons in early December for an event and that puts a wrap on 2020. Personally, it will be good to get to 2021! Linda and I have some plans as well. Looks like a new puppy will be in our future early in 2021. We are really excited about that too. It is time.

I have another book in the works and places I really want to get to that I have not been able too due to my demanding schedule over the past years.

I still am proud to be shooting the Fujifilm “x” system and enjoy the quality, ease of operations and results more than ever. Being an “X” Photographer for Fujifilm is a real honor. I recently began using the new X-T4. It’s amazing. The stabilization and video improvements makes it a natural upgrade.

I am conduction quite a few One on One workshop here in the Pacific Northwest. I guess folks feel safer in that kind of event today. If you have interest, please check out the information HERE or contact me via EMAIL.

I will be posting blog articles every few weeks if not sooner. Please subscribe  or check back often.

In conclusion, it’s good to be back, but I also know I’ll be happier and more productive in my “new schedule. It is really such an honor and a great feeling to hear from so many of my good friends again. I missed you all too, but my time away let me regroup, re-evaluate priorities and make some major changes in my life style and mind.