preparation to Photograph


My creative background has intersected jazz with photography. The two artistic endeavors are eerily similar. Jazz and Photography continues to play important roles in my life and in so many others. Whether good or bad, we photographers always are se [...]

2023-02-09T09:58:22-08:00January 10th, 2023|1 Comment

The Unanticipated

  How do you react when faced with the unanticipated conditions at a landscape location, despite all the preparation possible?  About ten to fifteen years ago, I authored a lengthy article on preparation. It has been published many times in [...]

2022-03-22T15:58:11-07:00March 22nd, 2022|Comments Off on The Unanticipated


Why? Every person who chooses to attend one of my workshops, of for that matter any another photography workshop, usually comes with at least one goal in mind. In my early days as an instructor, (and still do to a certain extent) I taught the how-tos [...]

2022-01-26T08:59:00-08:00December 20th, 2021|1 Comment

It’s About Time

Images and Text ©Jack Graham / Jack Graham Photography       “The Two Most Powerful Warriors are patience and time” … Leo Tolstoy All creative people encounter many considerations not only in normal everyday life, but especially w [...]

2022-01-24T10:39:26-08:00September 8th, 2021|Comments Off on It’s About Time
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The Path to Creativity Part 2

©Jack Graham / Jack Graham Photography. All Rights reserved   Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler” …Albert Einstein “Everything is Composition” ….  Lyle Mays In November 2020, I wrote a piece called the Path to C [...]

2022-01-24T10:44:11-08:00July 28th, 2021|Comments Off on The Path to Creativity Part 2


What’s it All about? ©Jack Graham / all rights reserved What is your personal quest? Where are you going, where is your photograph going? What’s it all about? These are just a few of the questions we photographer’s constant ask ourselves If you are n [...]

2022-01-24T10:46:01-08:00December 22nd, 2020|Comments Off on FEATURED ARTICLE: “What’s it All About” / REVIEW : FUJIFILM X-S10


As photographers, we all have the desire to make that artistic, compelling image that communicates a story, and our emotions to the viewer every time we depress the shutter. If we don’t why are we photographing? The purpose of this writing is to go b [...]

2022-01-25T12:13:42-08:00March 25th, 2019|Comments Off on PREPARATION, THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL PHOTOGRAPHY

Two Days of Scouting for a Photography Workshop , Olympic National Park

© Jack Graham All Images made with FUJIFILM X-T2 and FUJINON lenses    filters from Breakthrough Photography Forks, WA April 18, 2017….…I am a photography workshop leader. As one, I am constantly looking for new locations to bring my a [...]

2022-01-25T12:15:59-08:00April 18th, 2017|Comments Off on Two Days of Scouting for a Photography Workshop , Olympic National Park

3 days on Whidbey Island…

I returned home yesterday form a 3 day workshop that I conduct for the Pacific Northwest Art School on Whidbey Island. Whidbey Island is a sort 20 minute ferry ride either from Port Townsend or Mukilteo north of Seattle by about 1/2 hr. Once you get [...]

2016-06-28T07:18:15-07:00June 28th, 2016|Comments Off on 3 days on Whidbey Island…
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