This blog is a great idea. Again, thanks to Mike Moats for bringing me into the 21st century. I intend to use it for all kinds of stuff. In the next few weeks time permitting I’ll get some more detailed info on my workshops ( balance of 07 as well as a hint of 08 !)posted, some thing’s that I will be up to (i.e Chuck Beatty( a great local photog–check out his link here) and I are going to go shoot the pitcher plants that are blooming in a local bog–Mike & I got over there last week and I am sure Mike will post something on that experience) , increase the links to other photog’s and bloggers and more.

This blog will not replace my web site ( and I hope to get an update up there as well by the end  of the month ( new images, 2 new articles, images from my Southwest workshop back in April and my just finished Columbia River Gorge workshop earlier this month in Oregon).

SPEAKING OF OREGON———- I want to use my new found friend, the “blog” to make a major announcement. ON OR ABOUTS JULY 15TH — MY WIFE AND I WILL BE RELOCATING TO BEAUTIFUL OREGON. This has been a goal for a number of years and it appears that it will actually happen. Our house is under contract and if all goes well we are out of here. This is with really mixed emotions. The people here in the Midwest are fantastic, the area of Ohio we live ( close to the Cuyahoga National Park) is fantastic. However, getting this opportunity is too good to pass up. I will return in the fall to do my Fall in NE Ohio workshop ( more details on my web site and even more will be posted here in the near future). We lived in No. California for 10 years and can’t wait to get back out west.

And the really cool thing is that between email, web sites, mobile phones and now BLOG’S we can all keep in touch, It certainly well be a new adventure. Getting to live by my #2 favorite place to photograph ( the Eastern Sierra is still #1 and the 4 corners area and Escalante is #3) is too good to pass up.

We will be renting a house SW of Portland for a while then look to either move into a home, or build a small timber house SW f Portland in the McMinnville, Yamhill County between Portland and the Ocean.

Anyway, wish us luck and above all keep us posted on what’s going on in your world. 

Here’s a shot taken last year –Latourell Falls in the Rain  Nikon D200/ Nikon 28-70mm/ Polarized/ tripod