RIP Tom !……………..I received a call today from Monument beautiful these  It is with very great sadness to write that my longtime friend and Navajo Guide in Monument Valley, Tom Phillips,  passed away suddenly on Sunday night. I just completed two workshops with Tom as my guide, just about 3 weeks ago in Monument Valley. I’ll remember him for his quick wit, knowing the history of every rock in MV and his friendship over the years. Tom was Monument Valley. Just 3 weeks ago we were climbing the red rocks, and talking about the feelings and traditions of Navajo country.  Sharing breakfast in the “View” hotel, after sunrise at Totem Pole in MV with Tom the last day of our workshop is something I will never forget.

Tom has done it all. He’s taught Navajo studies at Stanford University and travelled the workd spreading the stories and traditions of his people.  Things in MV will nver be the same without Tom

There is no “official” cause of death yet, but after talking with my Navajo friends in MV today,  death  seems to be from natural causes.

I am currently in Olympic National Park in  Northern Washington getting ready for another workshop tomorrow. My heart is in MV.

The image shown here was taken on April 24, 2012, just about 3 weeks ago.

When you say ” Good-by, see you next year”……, you never know. Value every day.

Tom was a good man. RIP Tom.