Usually when sequels to movies come out they are rarely good ones. There are some exceptions like the Godfather 2 and others.
Well hold on to your hats! Macro and More is BACK!!! (Though for now only one day–read on)
First, let me say that I don’t like the word Macro for a few reasons. Macro photography normally means 1:1 shooting with a macro lens. I rather the term “CLOSE UP” Photography be used. I make a lot of decent images with other lenses, rather than just macro lenses …. just my $0.02.
I am sure some of you know of my good friend MIKE MOATS, a suburb macro photographer, teacher and all around good guy. Back in the mid 2000s I lived in NE Ohio for a few years. (Lebron James actually moved in next to me, tore down the 20,00 sq house and built a 42,000 sq ft one!–stories for another day). Mike and I became friends online via the Nature Photographers Network, which is still going. At the time Mike was painting houses in Michigan and selling his work at art fairs. He attended one in NE Ohio and I invited him to come by the house and spend a day together. It was there on June ,8, 2007 that this blog was actually hatched … with the help of Mr. Moats ! HERE was my first post.
OK … moving along. Mike really wanted out of the Art Fair business (it’s really tough and folks I know who do it do pretty well but work VERY hard.) He was also not at all happy painting houses in Michigan.
©Mike Moats / All Rights Reserved
I’ll tell you a funny story. In June 2007, Mike arrived at my home in Ohio on the way to an art fair for a day of hanging out and some shooting (and blog development!). Way back in our yard there was a raised water feature (pond) containing some koi (until the herons got to them!) and other plants. Ironically I was back there early in that same morning before Mike arrived. I thought there might be a chance to get some images that morning and looked into the small pond. I looked close but didn’t see an image so I walked away. Mike arrives. After a pretty decent thunderstorm we went out to make some images of the flowers (my wife is an expert gardener, trust me). Mike walks over to the pond and I say to myself, “OK. I won’t say anything but there’s nothing there to shoot.” Don’t you know Mike comes back with that you know what eating grin and with one of his most famous images of the lily pads. The man sees in close up. He found it … I didn’t. Myself and other nature photographer make images just as good as Mike, but Mike just sees in this medium better than anyone I know. Yes he pisses me off!
I told Mike the way to make a million dollars in this business (… is to start with 2 million!) and to try doing some workshops. So we came up with the idea of doing a workshop together called Macro and More. Mike was the Macro and I was the More. We did two or three of these in the Columbia Gorge and Oregon Coast. I quickly noticed Mike’s ability to instruct and was really excited to expand the concept. But not Mike.
Image at left: ©Jack Graham Photography/All Rights Reserved
See Mike is really lazy ( I say smiling)… He’s a macro shooter not a landscape shooter. He doesn’t like getting up at 4 AM and being out until 10-11pm to capture the light at sunset. I remember one workshop. It was in the Spring in the Columbia Gorge and it was about 90+ degrees. Mike was drained by the evening. He looked like a ghost when I told him at 10:30pm we needed to prepare for the next morning’s shoot and stop for water and supplies. 4 hour nights of sleep and Mike don’t mix. The look on his face with he came downstairs at 4AM was priceless (or was it 3:45am?) So Mike, very nicely, let me know Macro and More was going to be just MORE in the future. Macro has left the room.
It was really too bad because I love working with Mike not only photographically, but as a person. He’s blast to be around and we seem to click really well. Since then we’ve worked together on some podcasts in some trade shows and some other things. We talk very frequently. He still actually uses MY photograph of him on a M&M workshop today which I am very proud of.(see above). Now that I look at this he looks like someone Homeland Security should check out!
MACRO & MORE IS BACK ! — 1 DAY ONLY (That’s all I can get Mike to get up early for). MONDAY OCTOBER 30

A polarizer was used here to remove some glare and enhance the color
Mike invited me to speak at his 4th annual MACRO CONFERENCE on October 28 & 29th in NE Ohio ( DETAILS HERE). This works out great since I am in Ohio the week before doing my Fall Color in NE Ohio ( including a day with the Amish) WORKSHOP.. (DETAILS HERE).
If you enjoy close up photography please consider coming to the conference. It is a very unique experience with lots of great speakers and demonstrations etc).
OK NOW FOR THE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drum Roll Please! MOATS AND I ARE BRING BACK macro AND more for a single day–sunrise to sunset ! LIMIT TO 10 ATTENDEES $125.00 for the day (If you are attending the convention) $175.00 if you are NOT ATTENDING the convention
1)Some amazing fall color in the area ( Cuyahoga NP –remember I lived there for 5 years!)
- Both Landscape and Close up hands-on instruction with Mike and me
- Field discussions on visualization and seeing in both close mode and landscape mode
- Choosing the right equipment for the conditions ( we are out rain or shine.. I know that makes Mike really happy)
- There’s always more than meets the eye…we’ll point out this concept over and over
- BUT PERHAPS MOST INTERESTING…you never know–you MAY see MOATS TAKING A LANDSCAPE IMAGE ( I actually have a photograph of this and if Mike ever gets me really angry it’s going all over social media–hes ruined!)
- MORE>……………………………………..
Anyhow think about coming along with us. You can use the registration form HERE. A deposit of 50.00 will hold your spot… or email me for more information.
(IMAGE LEFT) One of my favorite shots of Mike. He knows the best places to go when nature calls in the field–trust me!
I can’t wait to get to Ohio and spend some time with Mike ( Though we’ll we’ll be together at the NANPA SUMMIT in Jacksonville, Florida next month–North American Nature Photography Association).
In all seriousness Mike is a consummate professional, great teacher and above all, a great friend. Please consider coming with us!—JG